Topic: Press Release From The Stallion

Congratulations to Mark on his win at Normie Charles Race last Sunday, and bad luck to Tony Parsons, 50 Seconds behind! Last Year the winner was 60 seconds in front and being told to slow down from the handicapper not to make him look silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL DONE HANDICAPPER!!
To all the runners who competed at Murchison and ran a "slow time" on a flat course, should look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves why they ran a faster time on Sunday on a much tougher course. It is clear that some of you blame me for running dead recently at Murchison when actually I am running faster than I have in the past four years, afterall I am 65, and - NOT DONE WITH YET MR BALISCONI !

To The so called handicapper! who has not attended all the races this season and often gets second hand information on runners - obviously you are blind, or not doing your job right! Which Box Do You Tick?
Hello stallion, good to see you are well.
The bloke that was serving petrol in the main street at Murchison is most annoyed with you.
He turned up at Lysterfield to put his money on you and found that you were crook and not running.
He said he was most thankful for you in helping him serve a few customers during the race at Murch.
Once again Presidento Balisconi you have received incorrect second hand information! I was not serving Petrol, I was out the back in the garage changing tyres!!