Topic: Park Run, this week Venue and Roster request

This week the Victorian Cross Country League will be staging our first ever VCCL combined Park Run. All VCCL members will be considered in the Australia wide sealed handicap with each venue given a time allowance, depending on the venues history. To be eligible VCCL members must nominate VCCL as their club. Although every venue is eligible, this week’s “home” venue for members to meet is Frogs Hollow in Endeavour Hills. Members please nominate their venue and date as a “home” venue. Send requests to ( . We will publish a roster as the dates are filled.

If you haven’t run at parkrun before, make sure you complete the free registration at and don’t forget your barcode.

Up coming venues for the nominated VCCL Park Runs, Start time 8am
28th May Endeavour Hills, Frog Hollow Reserve ( home venue for Beer, Quilty etc)
12th May Coburg Lake, Lake Grove ( home venue for Blakey, Murray Fraser, Carl Kennedy )
2nd June , Inverloch, Ramsay Blvd ( home venue for the Sullivan's )

VCCL members can run at any venue to be eligible for weekly prize money.
If your result is missed in the weekly result sheet , email or via forum
Hope to see a few VCCL runners get down to Inverloch for parkrun on June 2nd. It is a great course along the foreshore - you'll love it.

Why not make it a weekend in Gippsland with the Traralgon Marathon festival - "Australia's oldest marathon" - on Sunday June 3rd. As well as the marathon there is a half marathon and a 10 km event at Traralgon.